Key Tasks
- Deliberation, determination and proposing scientific cooperation between AREEO and international research centers and conveying related information to affiliated research institutes and centers after approving by relevant authorities
- Reviewing and proposing joint research projects by the affiliated research institutes and centers of AREEO and local or international research institutes
- Establishing efficient scientific relations among local, regional and international research institutes
- Determining the scientific capabilities of national and international research institutes
- Disseminating information about scientific projects of AREEO into relevant authorities
- Preparing and drafting articles of agreements, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and contracts with foreign countries for joint research projects and following up their implementations
- Coordinating Research Institutes and Centers to fulfill research agreements between I.R. of Iran and other countries
- Administrating the procedure of dispatching researchers for fellowships, sabbatical leaves, training courses, seminars, congresses and visits
- Evaluation of reports produced by scholar scientists and attendees at international training courses and disseminating the relevant results to the researchers of AREEO
- Maintaining communication and coordination with Staff Training Office for administrating scholar students
- Facilitating visits of international scientists to AREEO for addressing challenges in establishing joint research projects
- Drafting articles of agreements and contracts with national universities and Research Institutes and Centers and following their edorsement by the relevant authorities